Saturday, May 30, 2009
The Animal Dolphin Tattoo Designs
Getting tattoos is considered by those who embrace the art as the ultimate form of self-expression. Man's hunger to display important things in his life through symbols that are inked in his body continued this art form from ancient history until now. Of course, not everybody has the courage to sit through minutes or possibly hours of grinding needle pounding his skin.
The pain can be intense and it is definitely not for the faint hearted. To those who are willing enough, planning carefully what the design is primary since tattoo is permanent and the design should hold enough relevance to carry through the rest of his life.
The designs available are varied and ones that have gotten a lot of requests are dolphin tattoo designs. Thanks to movies portraying this lovable underwater creature as one of the good guys, dolphins are becoming the fast favourites of men and women alike. Dolphins are cute and are often described as friendly and harmless.
They even save human lives from drowning, real story or not. Designs can vary from a single leaping dolphin to a group of them immersed in other nature designs such as flowers and other ocean inhabitants. Dolphins possess certain kind of freedom that most tattoo enthusiasts want to embrace and portray. The colour of this creature reflects the beauty of the sea and if done expertly, the design can come out with a vivid representation of the deep blue water.
Dolphin tattoo designs can mean different things to different cultures. According to Celtic tradition, a dolphin has the power to give a person a clean slate in life since it comes from the water and water cleanses a person. Chinese philosophy depicts two dolphins as a symbol of harmony. The Native Americans consider this placid creature a symbol of wisdom and kindness.
The women are notably the ones who would often want to get dolphin tattoos but men are not immune to the charm of dolphin tattoo designs. The nature of dolphins is very much similar to the people who want to display them on their bodies so it is only natural to expect that their popularity is going to flourish in the future.
If you're looking for dolphin tattoo designs, you should take a look at my blog - I'll show exactly where to download these type of tattoo designs - You can literally print out your favorites, take them straight to your tattoo artist and make sure you get what you really want.
Cool And Trendy Tattoo Designs For Men's

Tattoos have become the most sought-after styling quotient in the recent times. With each passing year, innovative and cool tattoo designs are being invented for men to add an extra point to their ‘macho-meter.’ However, not all tattoos are necessarily brash and macho in design. There are also many creative tattoo ideas that are gradually becoming more popular.
Before getting a tattoo done on any part of the body, it is good to take some precautions.
For instance, one must ask the tattoo-designer to use a new needle and tube-setup for making a tattoo. Also, the artist must wear gloves prior to fixing of needles and tubes.
The Tribal Circle Tattoo - Tips on Getting Your New Tattoo
When you decide to get a new tribal circle tattoo, there are a few things to remember. Follow me as we explore the world of body art!
The first step is to make sure that the design you choose, speaks to others about who you are. Tattoos are very expensive, painful, and they last forever, so going into that decision lightly is ill advised. To ensure that you get the perfect design, spend some time researching different tattoo images from many different sources. Once you find the design that you want, study it. You will get a feeling if that is the image meant for your body. You will want to show it off so use your imagination to its fullest extent.
You may say this sounds like a lot of work, but it isn't. A lot of people utilize Google and process the image through the search engine. Chances are that the image you choose has been used before and some may have copyrights. If you want something unique, I would advise a different method of search. I call it comparison shopping!
There are websites that have a smorgasbord of sweet designs, but some of these websites require a small fee for their content. However, this fee is worth you finding a design that you adore. I'm sure that you have been warned about the dangers of getting infections from tattoo guns. These sites should contain reviews from the board of health as to the cleanliness of the parlor where you are going to get inked won't become an issue.
Source:http://ezinearticles.comSignificado das flores, Violeta, Papoula, Anêmona, Margarida e Cravo

A Violeta tem um certo destaque na mitologia grega e durante as épocas medievais significavam a fidelidade no amor, casta e humilde. Entretanto, na antiga Roma a violeta era usada em funeráis, e ainda hoje, sua cor púrpura significa lamentos.
A Papoula e a Anêmona estão relacionadas ao sono e a morte. Durante duas guerras eram símbolos dos soldados caídos nos campos de batalha. No mito de Afrodite, a Anêmona foi gerada a partir das lágrimas de lamentação de Afrodite pela morte de Adônis. Na idade média a Anêmona simbolizava também a proteção contra mal. Acredita-se que as fadas repousam entre as pétalas da Anêmona. Já a Papoula simboliza o sono.
A Margarida exala uma natural simplicidade. A flor é o símbolo da inocência e tem também conotação de amor perpetuo. Entretanto, acredita-se que a flor pode trazer azar se for trazida à casa.
Símbolo da fertilidade e do amor, o Cravo-Branco é sempre presente nos casamentos. O Cravo-Vermelho representa um coração ferido e o Cravo-Amarelo é empregado nos momentos de rejeições.

Significado das Borboletas

Para os gregos e egípcios, a alma que deixa o corpo, tem o formato de uma borboleta. Borboleta e espírito significam em Grego psique, que tem como sua representanção uma criança com asas de borboleta.
Os astecas consideravam as borboletas como o "sopro vital" espelido pela boca do falecido, também liga-se a divindade Itzpapalotl, resultado do cruzamento entre uma borboleta e uma mulher. Tal simbologia é relacionada à metamorfose da borboleta e representa a saída do túmulo, ou casulo, para o renascer.
Muitos orientais também crêem na ligação do ciclo vital das borboletas com a passagem do mundo dos mortos para o mundo dos vivos. Em terras japonesas as borboletas são consideradas espíritos “viajantes“ que anunciam visitas de parentes ou mortes. Entretanto, se encontrar duas borboletas juntas, fique feliz, pois representa felicidade no casamento.
Os vietnamitas acreditam que as borboletas são a expressão da vida longa.
Com vários significados diferentes as borboletas, sobretudo as coloridas, estão entre as tatuagens femininas mais procuradas nos estúdios de tatuagem. Se você está a procura da borboleta ideal para sua tatuagen, veja a pesquisa por borboletas do site Olhares, são centenas de fotos de borboletas com ótima qualidade fotográfica.

O Dragão na cultura oriental

O Dragão, ou Naga guarda o Dharma, ou Darma, a base das práticas, filosofias e crenças indianas. Nas manhãs são cantados Sutras, registros dos ensinamentos orais de Buda Gautama, em oferenda à oito Reis-Dragões. Na cultura indiana o Dragão também representa a transformação. O Portal do Dragão é um bom exemplo, pois simboliza a entrada de um Monge Budista para um mosteiro.
No oceano ou grandes rios estão escondidos os Dragões-Azuis e os Dragões-Pretos. A missão destes Dragões é guardar preciosas pérolas ainda não manifestadas, guardadas fielmente entre as suas mandíbulas.
Já o Dragão-Voador encontrou o exato momento da iluminação e após muito praticar foi-lhe permitido aparecer para a humanidade. Este Dragão simboliza a realização.
Os Dragões muitas vezes são representados com chamas e nuvens que os guiam até os céus. As nuvens representam as dificuldades, conflitos e problemas que surgem durante a vida, mas que gera grande força necessárias à um legítimo Monge Budista. O nome Dragão-do-Céu é atribuído à muitos templos.
Se você gostou desta publicação, confira também Os Mistérios dos Dragões.