Female Tattoo Gallery
Friday, April 30, 2010
Female Tattoo Gallery
The most popular tattoo designs for women include butterfly tattoos, tribal tattoos, star tattoos, flower tattoos and fairy tattoos. The most popular tattoo spots for girls and woman are the lower back, wrists and feet. Old school tattoos are in vogue at the moment as well.
Claudia Vaz, desenho animado, 195
"Mais uma vez venho participar desta coluna com uma nova tattoo. Como todas as 7 tattoos essa também tem uma história. Como já contei para vocês sempre pesquiso muito antes de fazer uma tatoo pois acho que além de uma arte, tem que ter um significado, se tatuar por tauar naum rola.
Quando era pequena assistia um desenho que retratava uma tribo indígena protegida por animais que ficavam em forma de estátua de madeira no centro da aldeia, no qual os espíritos saim dela sempre que surgia um perigo eminente aos moradores desta aldeia. Por ser Técnica Ambiental e me identificar com a natureza, uni o útil ao agradável tatuando animais. No Xamanismo, que é um ritual a mãe terra o totem do urso (como é chamado), cada animal tem um significado. No meu totem, o urso é o personagem principal, seguido de um alce, um guaxinin, um puma e um lobo. Espero que gostem!!!"
Claudia Vaz
5:35 PM
Minha Tattoo,
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Religious Tattoos
The idea of religious tattoos may seem counterintuitive, for several reasons – not only is tattooing prohibited by some religions, such as Orthodox Judaism, but until recently, tattoos were associated with a vaguely disreputable counterculture that seems at odds with religion.

Religious Tattoos
However, religious symbols – Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Islam or otherwise – are actually quite common tattoo designs. It might surprise you that about 25% of all tattoos in America have a religious meaning
Religious Tattoos
However, religious symbols – Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Islam or otherwise – are actually quite common tattoo designs. It might surprise you that about 25% of all tattoos in America have a religious meaning
10:10 PM
Religious Tattoos
Tatuagens de Pedro Martins, Reino Unido
Oi pessoal acho o vosso site bastante bom e é sempre bom podermos contar com a ajuda do próximo, meu nome e Pedro sou Português, de Lisboa mas vivo no Reino Unido, tenho foto de algumas tattoos que fiz. Um abraço para todos os amantes da arte.
6:10 PM
Minha Tattoo,
Tribal Maori
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Bird Tattoo Designs
Bird tattoos are one of the oldest tattoo designs of the Western world. Thanks to the old school revival, they are in vogue again. Most popular are swallow tattoos, followed by phoenix tattoos.
swallow tattoo
Priscila Nascimento, reprodução de Laura Costa, 194
Essa é minha segunda tattoo. Assim como a primeira, ela foi feita em novembro de 2009 pelo Tino do Led's Tattoo, um cara super gente boa, experiente e talentosíssimo! Pedi a reprodução desse postal da ilustradora Laura Costa, que faz parte de uma série de postais com imagens de trajes típicos de diferentes regiões de Portugal e de países que falam português. A série pode ser vista nesse link.
Escolhi a imagem que representa a Ilha da Madeira, pois minha família, por parte de pai e de mãe, nasceu lá. A tattoo foi concluída em duas sessões. Na primeira foi feito somente o contorno e, na segunda, o preenchimento. Na minha opinião, o trabalho se destaca pelo grau de detalhe que o artista conseguiu reproduzir. Trabalho muito caprichado, que valeu cada centavo e a dor (que descobri ser suportável!). Esse foi o primeiro passo de um projeto de fazer três imagens femininas que representam minha história e constituem quem eu me tornei. Não vou adiantar as próximas, mas pode deixar que mando fotos quando elas estiverem prontas!
Espero que tenham se interessado pela história!
Grata pelo espaço."
Priscila Nascimento
8:25 PM
Minha Tattoo,
Why Tribal Tattoos?
Natural Tribal Tattoos
Tribal Tattoos are extremely popular and can add a distinct 'je ne sais quoi' to a person's character. The real beauty of tribal tattoos is that they don't have to be loud and obnoxious useless you want them to be, but rather subtle and stylish. It is a style that typically capitalizes on solid black lines and coloring (with some exceptions of course) and it is also composed of pointed and curved elements. It's bold and eye catching. In short, it's a pretty wicked looking style!
8:27 AM
Tribal Tattoo, tattoo ideas
Tribal arm Tattoo ideas
Tribal tattoos, as the name implies, originated among Native American tribes and date back to over 5,000 years. Perhaps they are so prevalent among fraternity brothers due to the fact that the tattoos were originally applied to show loyalty to a particular tribe in native lands.

Later on, tattoos were used to create scenes on the body depicting battles the tribe member took place in. They were also used as memorials for loved ones who had passed away, their memory honored in the form of a soaring eagle.
Tattoos were certainly not limited to Native Americans, however. The Yokuts of California used body modification to call attention to the location of a person's supernatural power; the indigenous tribes of New Zealand, Africa, Central America and Hawaii also practiced the art of tattooing.
Tribal Tattoo, tattoo ideas
Tattoos were also used to display a person's caste status, wealth, role in the tribe, even to document his brave deeds or societal contributions. They also served a purpose when it came to traveling, tribal tattoos clearly identified a stranger as belonging to a neighboring sect and detailed what rank he held.Later on, tattoos were used to create scenes on the body depicting battles the tribe member took place in. They were also used as memorials for loved ones who had passed away, their memory honored in the form of a soaring eagle.
Tattoos were certainly not limited to Native Americans, however. The Yokuts of California used body modification to call attention to the location of a person's supernatural power; the indigenous tribes of New Zealand, Africa, Central America and Hawaii also practiced the art of tattooing.
Black Tribal Dragon Tattoos
Black Tribal Dragon Tattoos
When you are looking at black tribal dragon tattoos, make sure that you find a design that really speaks to you. In your mind, what is your dragon tattoo doing? Black tribal dragon tattoos are wonderful choices for any tattoo fan, so take a look at the tattoo art designs that are available and find the one that suits you the best!
Black Tribal Dragon Tattoos
5:00 AM
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Butterfly tattoos Gallery
Butterfly tattoos are very popular amongst women and they come in all shapes, sizes and a wide range of colors. The most popular places for a butterfly tattoo are the upper arm and lower back.

Butterfly tattoos for girls
Nice Lower Back Tattoo Ideas With Butterfly Tattoo Designs With Image Lower Back Butterfly Tattoos For Female Tattoo Gallery

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