Thursday, June 10, 2010

Car Tattoos Picture
Car Tattoos Picture 1
Car Tattoos Picture in back
Classic Car Tattoos
Car Tattoos Picture in arm

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

emo girls with tattoo

sexy emo girls with tattoos in chest bird pictures

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Power of Flower Tribal Tattoo

Tribal tattoo designs make the design of flower, animal and religious symbols and tribal flower tattoos are great variation of art and it is being greatly used by worldwide tattoo lovers.

Tribal flower tattoos are one type of ancient tattoo that can make you feel the essence of great cultural heritage. There is huge number of people are recognizing the value of the its body art. The bold strokes and curve designs are the combination of beauty and strength but now it is blended with fashion factor. The unique shapes and colors of tribal flower tattoos can really make you one from others tattoos fan. Normally the basic idea of imprinting it is done on one arm or on the back. These types of tattoos are really sophisticated and traditional.

In recent days tribal tattoos are executed and incorporated in different ways. Stark, black, arching lines and mirror-image patterns are the typical tribal tattoo patterns. Flowers are the most popular designs of it. Flower has become very popular and off course it is highly fashionable. There are lots of flower tribal tattoo designs and you can easily choose the perfect one for you.

Friday, June 4, 2010

I Maratona de Ilustrações para tatuagens

Maratona de ilustrações relacionadas a tatuagem. Oficina de desenhos artístico temático.

Serão quatro encontros aos sábados, das 14 as 18 Hs, no mês de junho, na CCMQ. Com o objeivo de realização prática de ilustrações relacionadas a Grafia de Tatuagens; Os quatro encontros terão teor principalmente prático, com abordagens teóricas específicas em cada encontro, bem como avaliaçao coletiva e exercícios de construção gráfica, atrelados a produção de cada participante, desenvolvendo matrizes para tatuagem artesanal.

A oficina não necessita de materiais especiais, a não ser papel e lápis B, trabalharemos sem tinta, aquarelado ou outras técnias que não o desenho a grafite seco.

Sob a orientação do Tatuador Profissional e Arte-pedagogo Vinícius Gueterres da Rocha, vamos compor Desenhos e Ilustrações relativas a arte da tatuagem, e também estabeleceremos uma postura crítica em relação a metodologia e resultado referente a estas obras gráficas, compreendendo melhor a iconografia, estilos, e influencias do desenho na tatuagem, bem como será identificado a presença da imagem da tattoo nas produções, visuais contemporâneas, Artes, Design, Cinema, Propaganda.

Atenção: A oficina abordará o desenho relacionado a tatuagem, mas não é um curso de tatuagem.

Contatos e reservas:
92929780 - 96798144 4

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Chest tattoos for women

Chest tattoos for women on the other hand are bent more on girly designs with symbolical meanings and feminine styles. Some examples of pretty designs are:

  • flowers and vines
  • stars and heart
  • fairies and angels
  • butterflies and dragonfly
  • lettering and script designs

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Maria, estrela celta, 198

Oi para todos vocês,
Meu nome é Maria e esta tatuagem foi feita à cerca de um mês e representa uma estrela celta. Representa as três faces da mulher: a anciã, a mãe e a virgem. Usado como talismã, esse objeto atrai as três principais qualidades femininas – ou seja, a intuição, a ternura e a beleza. É também um símbolo de graciosidade e movimento. Beijos.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

tribal wolf tattoos

You can head over to your favorite browser right now and find a bunch of tribal wolf tattoos. I bet that 95% of them will be nothing close to the quality you are looking for, though. That's the problem with much of the artwork on the web, especially if you are using a search-engine to find them. Here is why that happens and how to fix it.

If you want to settle on some generic, cookie cutter tribal wolf tattoos and get them inked on your body, go right ahead. If you truly want to be able to uncover the websites that will have original, super tribal wolf tattoos then you'll need to know this next tip.

Sure, you can find thousands of images out there, but search-engines are horrible at showing you where the truly great galleries are. Most of what you'll find will be low end galleries that are sizzling with cookie cutter type images that are over seven years old. On top of that, these galleries even post a slew of images that weren't even supposed to be used as real tattoos! That's right. If you pick one of those tribal wolf tattoos, you might not like the result once you get it tattooed. Images that weren't drawn specifically with tattoos in mind tend to come out looking far less crisp as it looked on paper.

Feminine Tribal Tattoos

Feminine tribal tattoos are on the rise and with that increasing popularity it is becoming more common to see females branding a Hawaiian tattoo instead of other typical "pretty tattoos." Like all flower tattoos there are classical meanings behind the flowers and there are also typically designs such as tribal that these Hawaiian flowers are commonly found immortalized within. So what is the meaning behind these tattoos and why could this be the perfect feminine tribal tattoo?

Those who have decided to seek the Hawaiian flower instead of a rose or another common flower are making a great decision. It encompasses all the feminine beauty of any other flower with a unique twist. This flower tattoo is typically found in tribal form. Instead of the bright flowy colours we tend to see in flower tattoos it is usually made with big bold black lines, in a more tribal form. It can be added to beautiful other Hawaiian tribal designs such as the sea turtle, mountains and other well known Hawaiian symbols.

These flowers stand for friendship and hospitality just like the Hawaiian people. Another popular Hawaiian flower choice is the lei. These beautiful flowers are found in bright colourful presentations all over the bodies of both men and women. There are also those who have permanently inked these beautiful flowers in lei's around their necks, to symbolize the hospitality and friendship that is presented by Hawaiian natives to visitors to their island. For those who choose the exotic form of the Hawaiian flower tattoo you can ensure it is one to be proud of and to wear happily.